Track income & expenses
Capture & organize receipts
Maximize tax deductions
Invoice & accept payments
Track miles
Manage cash flow
Run general reports
Send estimates
Track sales & sales tax
Manage 1099 contractors
Track income & expenses
Capture & organize receipts
Maximize tax deductions
Invoice & accept payments
Track miles
Manage cash flow
Run general reports
Send estimates
Track sales & sales tax
Manage 1099 contractors
Track income & expenses
Capture & organize receipts
Maximize tax deductions
Invoice & accept payments
Track miles
Manage cash flow
Run general reports
Send estimates
Track sales & sales tax
Manage 1099 contractors
Track income & expenses
Capture & organize receipts
Maximize tax deductions
Invoice & accept payments
Track miles
Manage cash flow
Run general reports
Send estimates
Track sales & sales tax
Manage 1099 contractors
Track income & expenses
Capture & organize receipts
Maximize tax deductions
Invoice & accept payments
Track miles
Manage cash flow
Run general reports
Send estimates
Track sales & sales tax
Manage 1099 contractors

Facebook Ads
Facebook ads can help a business get more visibility for their Facebook content and boost traffic to their core website content – whether it's cornerstone site content, simple ad copy, or blogs. Facebook ads can be set up to target greater site traffic, more impressions, and even click-through-rate (CTR).

Check out how The Preppy Family does Facebook Ads!!!!

Choose a Facebook Advertising Objective
This is the first step of running your campaign – as well as the first step in the set-up process.
Facebook requires that you choose a campaign objective to better clarify your goals for each campaign.

Choose a Facebook Advertising Target and Audience
Once you’ve established your overall objective, your next job is to consider your audience.
This is where Facebook really shines. For each campaign, you’ll be prompted to target a specific audience.

Select Your Budget for Facebook Advertising
The next step is deciding how much you’re willing to spend on your campaign.
Here, you’ll the option to choose between a daily budget and a lifetime budget.
If you choose the daily budget, you’ll enter the maximum amount you’re willing to spend per day.
If you choose the daily budget, you’ll enter the maximum amount you’re willing to spend over the duration of your campaign. This also requires that you select and start and end date for your campaign.

Choose Your Facebook Advertising Format
Finally, you’re able to choose the format of your ad.
The format you choose will ultimately be tied to the campaign objective you chose, and you’ll notice that some formats aren’t compatible with certain objectives.